Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Starbucks logo ? OMG !

The channel of coffee will launch to spring a new logo where its name disappears. The negative opinions  multiply on the net. Regular customers call the group to backtrack.

"Stupid", "horrible", "simple, modern and boring". On the page Facebook de Starbucks, the regular customers of the channel of coffee have no more enough words to consider the change of logo envisaged by the company next March. One of 281 comments published on the official site of the brand is even more direct: " what is the moron within your marketing department which had the idea to remove the world famous name of Starbucks Coffee on your new logo? ".

Far from being radical, the change indeed surprises. Of the logo in force since 1992, year of its initial public offering, the group based in Seattle keeps only the stylized siren, gives up the black color which was present on its former visual signature and keeps only the traditional green. The mention internationally also Exit

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