Friday, January 28, 2011

" Needs to be who today to be popular? "

" Needs to be who today to be popular? ": it is the question which opens the calendar of the Federation of the blind persons of France ( FAF). To illustrate the comment, retouched photos stage politicians(political officers) (Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Ségolène Royal, Nicolas Sarkozy), with celebrities of the world of the show(entertainment) (Gérard Depardieu, Djamel Debouzze) but also sportsmen ( Zinedine Zidane).

This is a campaign by the Agency : Wonderful in Montpellier.
" We did not ask for the authorization of these personalities because it would have set too much time(weather), explained the FAF to We are not heard, and often, we do not even answer us. Our purpose is not to crease these persons and we are sorry if we struck a blow at their physical integrity. But ultimately if the one of them attacks us, that will even more make speak about us and we shall have reached our objective ".

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