Friday, May 27, 2011

New campaign for Scweppes

After Nicole Kidman, it's Uma Thurman who is the égérie of Schweppes with the inescapable " Hey what did you expect ".  It's Fred & Farid Group which realized this advertising campaign.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Eurovision 2011

Azerbaijan has for the first time of its history taken away on Saturday the 56th edition of the Eurovision song contest, one of the broadcast shows the most followed to the world.
At the stage of Düsseldorf, the duet Ell and Nikki was imperative with its song " Running scared " with 221 running stitches Italy ( 189 points) and Sweden (181 points) with the singer Eric Saade (ps: it's very handsome boy). Azerbaijan succeeds in Germany, winner last year.

DSK just confused preliminary and primary. You do not ever make error you?

"Dominique Strauss-Kahn is the head of the International Monetary Fund. On May 14, 2011, he was taken off an Air France plane at Kennedy International Airport and arrested in connection with what the police called a sexual attack on a maid at a Manhattan hotel.

Mr. Strauss-Kahn, a former French finance minister, had been expected to declare his candidacy for the French presidency soon. He was seen as the figure most likely to oust President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

If Lady Di saw it, she would prefer to have died !

Hanging a few hours, almost all the planet became royalist, going into raptures in front of its small screen in front of the splendors of this wedding, the beauty of the bride and her sister Pippa, bowing in front of this smart, British ceremony, without lapse. Bodyguards' hundreds, tens of parades... It was an event so ridiculous as exaggerated. Let us hope that they shall not divorce in some time as Lady Di and

64e Festival de Cannes

Here we are again in May 2011 for a new edition of the Cannes Film Festival. The story continues, the story begins, the story is invented and re-invented every year and at the same time, the festival team and the city of Cannes prepare to greet artists and professionals from around the world. With, shall we say, love, appetite and impatience.

For it seems that floating on the Croisette is a scent of lightness, desire and peace. If each edition has a particular mood, 2011 is already, even before the first screen lights up, very exciting. Why, how and when does public opinion decides that "Cannes will be great this year"? It's a mystery ... and rightly so. Consider what is required: the enthusiasm of the press at the announcement of the selection on April 14th, the arrival of the greatest filmmakers, actors and other film artists, the massive return of professionals, film-buffs, and a vibrant Film Market. As to the weather, unless our favorite Icelandic volcano acts alone over the skies of Europe, we have done everything to make it perfect.

This year, Cannes has installed a little innovation here and there: As a guest, Egyptian film culture, home of great cinema, has signaled to the world their desire for democracy and freedom and like Tunisia, which will is also present, shows how cinema moves to the rhythm of world events; a feast of selections for film crews to meet each other rather than in competition or rivalry, or the stress of an audience’s reaction; Jean-Paul Belmondo, back in Cannes to receive an ovation from the world of cinema; a Palme d'Or of Honor awarded at the opening ceremony to Bernardo Bertolucci from the Jury President Robert De Niro, as his actor in 1900, will look on with fondness.
Between Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris at the opening of the festival and The Beloved by Christophe Honore closing, Cannes will deploy its charm, its mysteries and traditions: fifty films in the Official Selection, dozens of guests every day, hundreds of screenings, thousands of film-buffs.

New movie of Woody Allen at Festival de Cannes : Midnight in Paris

Calling Allen’s newest film Midnight in Paris, starring Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams and Marion Cotillard, “a wonderful love letter to Paris,” festival director Thierry Fremaux has once again extended that invitation to the writer/director.

This is a trailer: 

Bin Laden Is Dead, Obama Says

Oussama Ben Laden the mastermind of the most devastating attack on American soil in modern times and the most hunted man in the world, was killed in a firefight with United States forces in Pakistan, President Obama announced on Sunday.
In a late-night appearance in the East Room of the White House, Mr. Obama declared that “justice has been done” as he disclosed that American military and C.I.A operatives had finally cornered Bin Laden, the leader of Al Quaeda, who had eluded them for nearly a decade. American officials said Bin Laden resisted and was shot in the head. He was later buried at sea.

“For over two decades, Bin Laden has been Al Qaeda’s leader and symbol,” the president said in a statement broadcast around the world. “The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation’s effort to defeat Al Qaeda. But his death does not mark the end of our effort. There’s no doubt that Al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must and we will remain vigilant at home and abroad.”

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

YES WE CAN - New Approaches - Entertainment - EMMY WINNER

Does the American melting pot govern America?

New Starbucks logo ? OMG !

The channel of coffee will launch to spring a new logo where its name disappears. The negative opinions  multiply on the net. Regular customers call the group to backtrack.

"Stupid", "horrible", "simple, modern and boring". On the page Facebook de Starbucks, the regular customers of the channel of coffee have no more enough words to consider the change of logo envisaged by the company next March. One of 281 comments published on the official site of the brand is even more direct: " what is the moron within your marketing department which had the idea to remove the world famous name of Starbucks Coffee on your new logo? ".

Far from being radical, the change indeed surprises. Of the logo in force since 1992, year of its initial public offering, the group based in Seattle keeps only the stylized siren, gives up the black color which was present on its former visual signature and keeps only the traditional green. The mention internationally also Exit


To where she will go? The series Scene of households , M6, again beat its historic record on Tuesday evening. The program gathered 3,7 million televiewers according to Médiamétrie, is 14 % of the public. On the commercial target of housewives under fifty, market share 22 %. M6 was the second chain(channel) the most looked by this beloved population of the announcers.

How to explain such performances? Besides the growing popularity of the series, which benefits at the moment from a promotion drive in the cinema, we shall note that for several weeks, the fiction of Six takes advantage of the indifference (relative certainly, but the phenomenon is there) French people for their "big" JT(TV NEWS). The international current event and the debates which has to face the government does not seem to interest the televiewers a lot....

So, even on Tuesday evening, the 20 hours of TF1 and France 2 were indeed below their average: Laurence Ferrari's newspaper gathered.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The new Brand image for DARTY

This short movie is the new campaign 2011 by Agency H for the brand Darty.

" Needs to be who today to be popular? "

" Needs to be who today to be popular? ": it is the question which opens the calendar of the Federation of the blind persons of France ( FAF). To illustrate the comment, retouched photos stage politicians(political officers) (Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Ségolène Royal, Nicolas Sarkozy), with celebrities of the world of the show(entertainment) (Gérard Depardieu, Djamel Debouzze) but also sportsmen ( Zinedine Zidane).

This is a campaign by the Agency : Wonderful in Montpellier.
" We did not ask for the authorization of these personalities because it would have set too much time(weather), explained the FAF to We are not heard, and often, we do not even answer us. Our purpose is not to crease these persons and we are sorry if we struck a blow at their physical integrity. But ultimately if the one of them attacks us, that will even more make speak about us and we shall have reached our objective ".

Monday, January 17, 2011

Like Mister - Man of the situation. The Agency LA CHOSE it bites fingers

Necro Category:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011 0:41 I'm back to just the loss of my "friend" LikeMister. More than 10 000 man recognized by advertising in France Mister Likefacebook is the only contact who loved all your articles, whether miévreux at will,philosophical or sentimental notoriously suicidal.
Beyond his incomparable beauty, Like Mister was a good man and deeply"magnet".
He lost the use of both thumbs ... the "liking dumping" is a full-time and physicallypainful joints on his releases.

We shall remember as the man who did not want us to feel alone.

As soon Henri (yes he has a head of winning). I loved you

HELLO SUNSHINE optimistic the new agency or Fred and Farid

HELLO SUNSHINE, new agency and group brand Fred and Farid, began officiallyon 1 December. At its head, Gwen Raillard, "an ad by Mother passed betweenLondon and other BBH, and Dawn Ng, artistic director straight from Singapore ".The agency represents optimism in a world where everything goes wrong, it turns topositive values.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Mass media

Mass media pervades us. We must live with them. They participate in our evolution, in our culture. This blog will be carried on advertising, cinema, Internet, the TV and the other mass media. 

Good reading :)